Dieser ungefütterte BH mit ¾-Cups ist mit einem halbtransparenten Spitzenmuster gestaltet, das ihm ein wunderschönes Finish verleiht. Er formt ein tiefes, verführerisches Dekolleté, das den Spitzenkontrast-Look des Stücks gekonnt hervorhebt. Die wunderschön geformten Cups bestehen aus elastischer, mit Tüll gefütterter Spitze mit Bügeln für zusätzlichen Halt. Zusammen mit dem hoch taillierten Slip verleiht dieses hoch taillierte Spitzen-BH-Set aus Netzstoff einen sinnlichen und nahtlosen Look.
Beautiful lingerie liked everything. Slightly different color. It is not white, but beige with black
Icie McClure
The quality of the linen is high, matches the size, gathers the figure and makes it slimmer. High waist panties
Gust Reilly
38 C took 38 C (bust 40) excellent quality underwear, better than love n lemons. Lace soft, color gently pink, nude. I like it, I will look at the other sets of this store. By the way, it came to australia in 1 week only
Sheldon Crooks
Good quality underwear, lace is pleasant to the body. From the minuses: Too wide coverage for three hooks, for me it is uncomfortable and I would take on my parameters Size is 34a medium panty
Beautiful lingerie liked everything. Slightly different color. It is not white, but beige with black
Icie McClure
The quality of the linen is high, matches the size, gathers the figure and makes it slimmer. High waist panties
Gust Reilly
38 C took 38 C (bust 40) excellent quality underwear, better than love n lemons. Lace soft, color gently pink, nude. I like it, I will look at the other sets of this store. By the way, it came to australia in 1 week only
Sheldon Crooks
Good quality underwear, lace is pleasant to the body. From the minuses: Too wide coverage for three hooks, for me it is uncomfortable and I would take on my parameters Size is 34a medium panty