Ein ganz neues Maß an Komfort – dieses schöne Set aus Bügel-BH und Höschen aus Wimpernspitze ist mit einem wolkenartigen 1/2-Cup-Futter ausgestattet, das sowohl Halt bietet als auch nicht einengt. Das passende Bikinihöschen aus Wimpernspitze ergibt eine himmlische Kombination aus Dessous.
Good bra set. But the bottom itself is a little big.
Alyson Spinka
Linen is good, 36D sat perfectly. Here with the panties... asked the store to do m, and it's perfect. 5 stars.
Seth Maggio
36B set. Very good underwear!! Soft, qualitatively sewn! In stores, at best, for this budget panties can be bought at extra cost in other shops. The order came in 6 days.
Good bra set. But the bottom itself is a little big.
Alyson Spinka
Linen is good, 36D sat perfectly. Here with the panties... asked the store to do m, and it's perfect. 5 stars.
Seth Maggio
36B set. Very good underwear!! Soft, qualitatively sewn! In stores, at best, for this budget panties can be bought at extra cost in other shops. The order came in 6 days.
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