Ihr ultraweiches, nahtloses Crop-Top, durchdacht für Ihren Komfort entworfen. Dieses Crop-Top mit hohem Halsausschnitt verfügt über eingenähte gepolsterte Cups für zusätzliche Blickdichtheit und eine schmeichelhafte Silhouette. Seine leichte Kompressionspassform bietet ein Gefühl wie eine zweite Haut und kombiniert mühelosen Stil mit bequemem Tragekomfort. Ideal für leichte Übungen oder zum Entspannen zu Hause.
It fits very well, durable and soft fabric, perfect for the gym.
Kylee Ullrich
The same picture and the same color comfortable I like that
Leola Carter
Thick fabric, fresh to train, the right size. Non-transparent, has a Included copies that are not marked.
Gino Runte
Very good and comfortable! I just used it for my dance class - My regular size is M!!! my bras are 36C - and I ordered L, and it was great. - I don’t like that u can’t remove the patches, but whatever.
It fits very well, durable and soft fabric, perfect for the gym.
Kylee Ullrich
The same picture and the same color comfortable I like that
Leola Carter
Thick fabric, fresh to train, the right size. Non-transparent, has a Included copies that are not marked.
Gino Runte
Very good and comfortable! I just used it for my dance class - My regular size is M!!! my bras are 36C - and I ordered L, and it was great. - I don’t like that u can’t remove the patches, but whatever.
Shirley Bosco
Amazing fabric quality
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