Süß und raffiniert: Dieses langärmlige Pyjama-Set hat Federn an den Ärmeln, die auch abgenommen werden können, einen Kragen am Ausschnitt und ein übergroßes Oberteil mit Knopfleiste und aufgesetzten Taschen. Hohe Elastizität und Dehnbarkeit, bürsten- und kratzfest, atmungsaktiv und farbecht. Perfekt für das Wochenende, als Nachtwäsche oder einfach zum Entspannen zu Hause.
Feathers are not as voluminous, but overall pajamas are of good quality.
Octavia Schulist
Quality is good. Medium-density material, not elastic, electrified. Composition: polyester.
On me size s. On the parameters: og-81 cm, ot-60 cm, ob-84 cm, shoulder width-36 cm, height-152 cm sat in moderation freely. Corresponds to its size.
Gerson Luettgen
Superrrrr, good quality I'm in love
Tessie Champlin
Small size. Cool pajamas like famous brands, but much cheaper. Quality silky material, soft. In the kit there are spare buttons. Feathers are easily removed. The elastic band on the shorts is not tight. The dimensional grid is correct.
Feathers are not as voluminous, but overall pajamas are of good quality.
Octavia Schulist
Quality is good. Medium-density material, not elastic, electrified. Composition: polyester.
On me size s. On the parameters: og-81 cm, ot-60 cm, ob-84 cm, shoulder width-36 cm, height-152 cm sat in moderation freely. Corresponds to its size.
Gerson Luettgen
Superrrrr, good quality I'm in love
Tessie Champlin
Small size. Cool pajamas like famous brands, but much cheaper. Quality silky material, soft. In the kit there are spare buttons. Feathers are easily removed. The elastic band on the shorts is not tight. The dimensional grid is correct.