Purer Komfort mit bügellosem Halt: Dieses weiche, nahtlose BH-Set für jeden Tag ist die perfekte Wahl für bequemes Tragen. Mit geformten Cups, superweichem Stoff und verstellbaren elastischen Trägern für eine individuelle Passform. Das passende, unsichtbare Höschen hat einen hübschen gewellten Rückenbesatz. Mit diesem sexy Duo wollen Sie den Tag in absolutem Komfort meistern!
Fire) sat down perfectly delivery in about one week) the quality seems good time will show))
I like the kit very much. The bra is without the wire, but it holds the shape well, and it doesn't press anywhere
Linen is excellent, for your money this is a gift! The seams are neat, there is a little thread, but it's fixed. Size small perfect fit. Thank you I will order more!
Fire) sat down perfectly delivery in about one week) the quality seems good time will show))
I like the kit very much. The bra is without the wire, but it holds the shape well, and it doesn't press anywhere
Linen is excellent, for your money this is a gift! The seams are neat, there is a little thread, but it's fixed. Size small perfect fit. Thank you I will order more!
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