Samtig weicher, trägerloser Einteiler mit Schnürung auf der Rückseite für zusätzliche Straffung, der Ihre Kurven an den richtigen Stellen betont. Körperbetont dank innen vernähter Kunststoffstäbchen, aber dennoch dehnbar.
Dieser einzigartige Bodysuit mit Bindeband am Rücken und herzförmigem Ausschnitt ist so bequem und verfügt über ein nahtloses Bikiniunterteil mit Druckknopfverschluss. Tragen Sie Ihre Lieblings-High-Heels für ein trendiges Ausgeh-Outfit oder Ihre Shorts für einen lässigeren und eleganteren Look.
Size chart is correct, go with your usual size when ordering.
Ursula Weimann
I’m pleasantly impressed by this and it fits comfortably, too! I love it! Size L
Myrtie Wiegand
For this price, very nice. strings in the back, stretchy, very comfortable. I'd say its better as lingerie than a party top, as the stretch may give in. But very sexy and pretty color! XL Red
Carolyn Crona
Excellent quality, especially for the price. Bones are stitched inside, holds the shape well. When washing, did not sit down, did not stretch. Sits well. 37-32-39 L very nice fit and you can tighten the straps. Delivered very quickly.
Size chart is correct, go with your usual size when ordering.
Ursula Weimann
I’m pleasantly impressed by this and it fits comfortably, too! I love it! Size L
Myrtie Wiegand
For this price, very nice. strings in the back, stretchy, very comfortable. I'd say its better as lingerie than a party top, as the stretch may give in. But very sexy and pretty color! XL Red
Carolyn Crona
Excellent quality, especially for the price. Bones are stitched inside, holds the shape well. When washing, did not sit down, did not stretch. Sits well. 37-32-39 L very nice fit and you can tighten the straps. Delivered very quickly.